Take safety to new heights by remotely detecting flammable gases during drone operations
Factory-calibrated and equipped with built-in self-testing, the Elios 3 Flammable Gas Sensor requires no field calibration, ensuring continuous fail-safe operations in harsh industrial environments such as those in Oil & Gas, Mining, Maritime, Chemical, Wastewater treatment, and Industrial Manufacturing.
Reach higher safety standards
Reliably detect flammable gases in hazardous areas, enhancing awareness of atmospheric conditions inside your assets to quickly adjust safety measures during drone operations.
Ease permitting process
Complement traditional handheld sensors with airborne detection to ensure continuous flammable gas monitoring, streamlining risk assessments and accelerating permit approvals.
Reliably detect 14+ flammable gases,
including hydrogen
The Elios 3 Gas Warning Sensor can detect and quantify over 14 of the most common combustible gases — including hydrogen — with a resolution of 0.1% LEL (Lower Explosive Limit), reporting both gas type and concentration. It can identify even the slightest changes in gas levels and provide early warnings, enhancing safety across a wide range of operational scenarios.
*Accuracy is guaranteed for methane and hydrogen across the full environmental range. For other gases, accuracy typically meets published tolerances under standard conditions of 20°C and 50% RH, and when oxygen is present in the air. Additionally, the airflow generated by the drone’s propellers can disperse gas concentrations around the sensor and interfere with the accuracy of gas measurements. For more precise readings, it is recommended to land the drone and turn off the propellers.
Comprehensive in-flight reading
When the drone is powered on, the Flammable Gas Sensor automatically activates, displaying gas concentrations in % LEL directly in the Cockpit App. If the gas concentration reaches the user-set threshold, a warning will appear on the screen to alert the pilot.

Adjustable LEL threshold
To prevent false alarms and ensure timely detection of hazardous gas concentrations, the pilot can manually set the LEL threshold of the sensor before flight, customizing alerts to fit specific environmental and operational needs.
Keep-alive functionality during battery handling
To ensure continuous operation, the Flammable Gas Sensor functions independently of the drone’s power supply, allowing the pilot to change the battery without needing to redo the bump test or sensor initialization, which must be performed in clean air. This follows a similar workflow to traditional sensors.

Compatible with other Elios 3 payloads
A connector has been integrated into the Flammable Gas Sensor, allowing other Flyability payloads to connect to the drone through the sensor. For example, the LEL sensor can detect flammable gases while the UT payload measures material thickness.
With Molecular Property Spectrometer™ (MPS) technology
The Elios 3 Flammable Gas Sensor utilizes NevadaNano’s advanced MPS™ technology for detecting flammable gases. With its cutting-edge measurement capabilities and built-in self-test features, the MPS™ sensor provides the most accurate readings on the market and eliminates the need for field calibration, ensuring reliable performance in challenging environments.

Powered by NevadaNano
The Elios 3 Gas Warning Sensor has been developed in partnership with NevadaNano, a leader in advanced gas detection technology with over 20 years of experience. Leveraging NevadaNano’s proprietary Molecular Property Spectrometer™ (MPS™) sensors, the Elios 3 Gas Warning Sensor offers the most accurate readings in the market for over 14 of the most common combustible gases — including hydrogen — meeting the highest standards in real-time gas monitoring.
In partnership with NevadaNano
What our customers say about the
Flyability Flammable Gas Sensor
"The Flammable Gas Sensor on Elios is a game changer—it makes people more comfortable using the technology in Class One, Division One, or ATEX zones, providing in-flight data to support the right mitigation strategy."
Richard Turner,
Head of Drones & Robotics Program at Can USA
How does MPS™ technology benefit the Elios 3 Flammable Gas Sensor?
NevadaNano’s Molecular Property Spectrometer™ (MPS™) is at the core of the Elios 3 Flammable Gas Sensor. This technology offers self-cleaning, environmental compensation, and self-testing features, eliminating the need for calibration and ensuring reliable, accurate readings in various environments.
Can the sensor detect hydrogen sulfide (H₂S)?
No, it cannot. The list of detectable gases is available in the tech spec, which can be downloaded from this page.
How often does the sensor need to be calibrated?
The sensor doesn’t require calibration. However, some assets mandate a monthly or yearly health check. While this process is often called “calibration,” for our sensor, it is simply a routine check.
Will the sensor affect drone flight time?
Yes, the sensor reduces flight time by 9 to 20 seconds, depending on the configuration. For more information you can check the technical specs available on this page.
Is the Elios 3 drone intrinsically safe?
The drone equipped with the flammable gas sensor is intended to provide supplementary information for safety and environmental monitoring. However, the drone is not designed to be intrinsically safe and must not be operated in environments where flammable or explosive substances are known or suspected to be present. Operating the drone in such conditions can pose a serious risk of ignition or other safety hazards.
In which EX zones can the Elios 3 be flown?
The Elios 3 can be operated in any zone allowed by a valid hot work permit. However, without a hot work permit, flying in ATEX zones should be strictly avoided.
Can the sensor be used to quantify gases or detect leaks?
The flammable gas sensor is designed as a safety aid and should not be relied upon for precise gas leak detection, gas quantification, or as a primary gas monitoring system. It provides indicative information but is not calibrated for detecting or measuring specific gas concentrations with high accuracy.
What safety standards does the Flammable sensor adhere to?
The Elios 3 Flammable sensor utilizes the NevadaNano MPS 5.0 sensor. The sensor itself is compliant to IEC 60079-29-1:2016. However, the overall Elios 3 payload does not hold IEC certification for explosive atmospheres.